Finally: Meri Brown takes a shocking action directed at Kody and Robyn..
As Sister Wives Season 19 nears its end, Meri Brown has learned to stand on her own. She knows that she can’t trust Kody and Robyn and wants to protect herself against their ruthless manipulation tactics.
Check out the preview for tomorrow night’s episode to see what to expect.
Janelle & Meri Brown Discuss Legal Action Over Coyote Pass
When Sister Wives returns to TLC tomorrow night, viewers will see Meri Brown come to some harsh realizations.
“So a while back I sent an email to Kody and Robyn and Janelle just to start the conversation of the property because I haven’t been a part of any conversations.
I don’t know if anyone else has been talking, but I haven’t been. So I just wanted to get it going,” Meri begins the scene in a confessional.
Then, viewers see Meri and Janelle on a video call discussing the property division.
“And then he acted like he had something going on, and when we questioned him, he sort of backed down. So I don’t know what’s true.” Janelle shared on the call.
She adds in her own confessional that Kody has suggested they divide it in a very bizarre way that’s not really favorable to anyone but himself and Robyn.

“I don’t think that you get to decide what we do with it. Sorry, you are not the head of my family,” Meri said of Kody. “I feel like Kody and Robyn probably have some plan of what they wanna do and how they wanna handle it. I think Janelle has some sort of plan and I know I do as well. And none of us are talking to each other because none of us are trusting each other.”
Over the call, Janelle admits that she’s getting a lawyer and encourages Meri to hire one as well.
Kody’s First Wife Won’t Let Him Walk On Her Any Longer
After reflecting on the situation, Meri realizes that Janelle was right all along. Kody and Robyn never had her best interests at heart.
“There’s been a lot of confusion surrounding the way things have been bad in the family, the way that Kody is with me and has been with me for many, many years,” the reality star admitted in her own confessional. “So I think that’s why I’m gonna get a lawyer to help me through this process. I feel like for quite a few years, I’ve kind of, sat back and just not wanted to ruffle feathers. So I haven’t pushed the issue on many things. But I will push the issue now.”
Check out the preview here:
Are you proud of Janelle and Meri Brown for taking legal action against Kody and Robyn? Do you think they’ll ultimately be successful? Share your thoughts in the comments.