Bombshell News!! Here’s What We Know About Anthony Geary Returning

The heart wants what it certainly wants. General Hospital spoilers say there’s a lot of speculation about Anthony Geary and whether or not he would be wllling to return to Port Charles to reprise his role as Luke Spencer, even though the character is dead.

General Hospital Speculation: Here’s What We Know About Anthony Geary Returning

All of the chatter began when many fans pointed out that so many legendary characters are back, including Lucky. That, and Laura’s the mayor of Port Charles, Tracy is still around and of course, Lulu, too.

After all, if Lulu can wake up from her coma that Luke can certainly come back from the dead, right? Plus, a lot of fans do miss seeing Anthony Geary on the canvas.

It goes without saying that there have been plenty of GH fans and critics who have had a lot to say about the matter.

Some have even commented with, “I think he would add some needed zip. Lucky’s back. Laura’s mayor. Tracy is old and gray. Lulu is being Lulu. I think convincing Tony Geary to unretire would be the hardest part to accomplish. Your thoughts? And I’m bracing myself for the abuse, so bring it on!”

Another critic wrote, “I know I feel his absence like a knife in the heart, and he’s a fictional character. That means Tony gave us the greatest gift when he gave us Luke. He really gave a lot of himself and personal life to GH. I want to thank him in the only way I can, by respecting what he wants.”

General Hospital Speculation: What’s Next For Port Charles?

“I would not mind flashbacks, or even using his voice from old scenes to give us audio, like a dream, though.”

And then there was this comment as well: “I agree, I love TG and the characters Luke and Laura were iconic. I would love for him to return for a brief stint and ride off into the sunset again. That said, I would want him to leave alone because Tracy is television gold and GH needs her.”

“I respect that TG is living happily ever after with his husband in Amsterdam and respect that. I just hate that the stupid writers killed off that character off screen and then let that whole storyline fizzle.”

So far the producers have not made any comments about the matter just yet. That, and Anthony Geary himself has made no indication that he would be willing to return to General Hospital. We will definitely update you with all of the latest details as they come in.

It goes without saying that GH fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next.

General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.


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