Bombshell News!! Meri Brown Slaps Robyn In Face With Reality

Sister Wives Season 18 premieres soon on TLC and Meri Brown gave Robyn some hard truths about her search for a “perfect family.”

Somehow, Kody’s former first wife seems to be stronger and no longer under some sort of spell by Robyn. Actually, there’s a subtle but strong hint that Robyn’s days of influencing Meri are over.

'Sister Wives' Proof Robyn Brown Never Had Meri's Back

Sister Wives Meri Brown No Longer Mesmerized By Robyn?

In Seasons 16 and 17, fans saw that Robyn quickly worked to get Meri on her side regarding Christine leaving. In fact, both women took a lot of heat for gaslighting Christine.

Remember when Robyn begged Meri to stay to help keep the family going? At the time, it seemed that Kody’s favorite wife was lining up an ally, However, it also looks like those days are gone now. Meri definitely seems like a stronger person since Kody told her to pack her bags.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from the ET article
Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC
Sourced from the ET article

Sister Wives fans will naturally see a lot of tears from Robyn and some people think she practiced crying in front of the mirror. However, Meri seems to be pretty unmoved by all the watery emotional stuff. When told to go by Kody, she went outside and told Robyn the bad news. Additionally, she emphasized that it wasn’t her “choice.” But, after getting her marching orders, it was Robyn who broke down and cried to Kody. He ended up as her sole audience as she cried about her dead dream of sitting on the porch with grandkids.

Sister Wives: Dry-Eyed Meri Gives The Truth About The ‘Perfect Family’

Robyn Brown seems determined to pick apart the entire saga of the dissolution of the Brown family. Actually, she seems to be the only one who doesn’t recognize that in many ways her arrival ruined something that worked. It might not have been perfect, but it was a family that mostly worked for the good of everyone. This season, Robyn admits that she hunted down Kody’s family and she claims she did that so her children could find a safe haven in life. Notably, she claimed, “I’m just looking for answers because I don’t understand this.”

Sister Wives TLC Season 18 Meri Brown Robyn Brown ET
Image credit: TLC Via ET

Sister Wives fans who saw a preview shared by ET Online saw that Meri didn’t even have to blink away a tear. In fact, she almost sounded mocking. Speaking in the confessional, she said, “If [Robyn] saw that we were perfect, either we were all really good actors or she had blinders on.” Then she added, “I don’t know. And I’m not saying that to be rude. We, just…were not perfect. But we were good.”

Robyn Can’t Understand

Robyn wants to get deep down and uncover what made her so badly miscalculate the Sister Wives stars as the perfect home for her and her kids. Clearly, she miscalculated and she’s not getting a whole lot of support from the other former wives. In fact, even Kody disagreed that the family was “perfect.” He said, “The first 20 years of our family was pretty dysfunctional.”

As far as TLC fans can see the dysfunction became untenable after Robyn stepped in. What are your thoughts? Are you pleased that Meri dished some home truths when Robyn sobbed about the dissolution of the “perfect family?” Let us know in the comments below.


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