It’s Over: Robyn Brown’s ex-husband’s family drops shocking bombshells about her.

Onscreen, Sister Wives star Robyn Brown has always adamantly claimed her first husband was incredibly controlling and abusive. However, David Preston Jessop’s family insinuates Robyn’s story is very one-sided.

They may not have the platform Robyn does, but they want their side of the story to be known.

Comments from one of Preston’s family members are circling the internet right now. If they’re legitimate, they certainly paint Kody and Robyn Brown in an ever more horrific light.

Robyn Brown and her ex husband David Preston Jessop, Sister Wives, TLC

The Family Of Robyn Brown’s Ex-Husband Speaks Out Against Her

As many Sister Wives fans know, Preston Jessop is battling cancer. As of the time of writing, his GoFundMe has raised a little over $14,000. But no amount of money can repair the damage done to his reputation on Sister Wives. His family wants justice.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“A little info from Robyn’s Ex SIL,” a Sister Wives viewer posted on Reddit today, attaching two screenshots. However, it’s worth noting the OP misspoke. The speaker in the screenshot clearly identifies herself as David Preston Jessop’s cousin.

“As David Preston Jessop’s full first cousin. I cannot stay silent!” the screenshot begins. “The reason Preston refused to let his children say that they wanted Kody to adopt them, has to do with the same reason Robyn forced them to call Kody ‘Daddy.’ Robyn literally made her children do things her way OR ELSE! That is what caused them anxiety!!!”

The screenshot goes on to allege that Robyn rarely allowed her children to speak with Preston on the phone. When such occasions did occur, he reportedly could hear her instructing the children on what to say. He also reportedly never wanted Kody Brown to legally adopt his children.

Screenshot from Winter_Day_6836 on Reddit

“As far as child support goes, Robyn forged Preston’s name on credit applications when she ruined her credit (HER 30,000 dollar debt) so that when she left after Preston filed for [divorce], it left him and his construction company un ruins!” the comment continues. “His father and brothers came together and helped him with part of that horrendous debt, but it left Preston in a deep depression that he nearly didn’t recover from. I’m so glad the story is out and that my sweet, gentle cousin can hopefully have his life back and move on! Robyn ruins lives and families!”

Screenshot from Winter_Day_6836 on Reddit

Sister Wives Viewers React To The Screenshots

Other Redditors admitted they weren’t entirely surprised by the information. It’s been widely speculated for years that Kody and Robyn orchestrated the whole adoption storyline and deliberately lied about Preston Jessop on TV.

Comments included:

  • “We all knew this situation was shady AF. They should change the genre from ‘reality tv’ to ‘fake tv.’”
  • “I knew it and have said it forever. She is the common denominator in both families. I can’t wait til she does the same to Kody when the show gets canceled and they have to have real jobs. That’s the show I really wanna see. Them both working 40 hour a week minimum jobs like the rest of the world for their income.”
  • “Preston stepping back out into the world all justified, knowing that his ex wife is hated by a national fandom 😂 love that for him”
  • “How many bombshells does it take to sink a toxic ship? Jesus, this is disgraceful.”

Do you believe the authenticity of the comment from David Preston Jessop’s cousin? Have you felt suspicious of Kody and Robyn Brown’s motives regarding the adoption storyline? Leave your own thoughts in the comments.


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